
For the authors

Journal’s publication policy
    1. The editorial office accepts only texts that have not been previously published or submitted for print in whole or in part to any other journals or books, either in hard copy or online. It accepts only original scientific articles of an empirical, theoretical nature, comparative analyses, including on international issues, and studies concerning the state, regional and local levels, as well as review articles..
    2. An article may not have more than four authors.
    3. Articles are published in Polish or English.
    4. Articles are reviewed anonymously – see Review procedure”.
    5. The authors may withdraw their request to print an article no later than on the day they are informed that the article has been accepted for printing.
    6. The editorial office does not return unsolicited articles and reserves the right to edit and shorten them.
    7. The authors shall sign a statement in which they:
      a) declare ownership of the copyright to the submitted text, any participation of third parties in its creation, sources of funding, contributions of scientific and research institutions, associations and other entities (if the text is the result of a research project); 
      b) submit a declaration concerning ghostwriting and guest authorship; 
      c) agree to the processing of their personal data;
      d) agree to make the text available under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 3.0 Unported (CC BY-NC 3.0) licence – the full template is available at:
    8. The statement mentioned in point 7 should be printed, hand-dated and signed, scanned and sent as a pdf file together with the submitted article to:
    9. The authors have the right to make the work publicly available in such a way that anyone can access it from a place and at a time of their own choosing, especially to distribute it over computer networks, provided that the work contains full bibliographic information: “Securo”, year …, no. … (e-ISSN 2956-6665).
    Editorial requirements for articles
    1. Articles are submitted in .doc or .docx files (MS Office) to:
    2. The size of the article should be in the range of 20,000 – 35,000 characters (including spaces, footnotes and bibliography).
    3. The text should be written using 1.5 spacing; Times New Roman 12 font; 2.5 cm margins. The text must be aligned to the left and right margins (justified); pagination in the bottom right corner; page numbering continuous from the first page. The title of the article and the titles of the subsections must be in bold type and aligned to the left margin. Paragraphs should begin with an indentation (standard spacing, entered automatically, without the use of tabs). Automatic styles should not be used.
    4. The beginning of the article (after the title) must include an abstract (800 to 2,000 characters including spaces), keywords (3 to 6) and a biographical note on the authors (up to 500 characters including spaces). The abstract should answer the following questions: what is the article about; what research problem does it address; what is its purpose; what research question(s) does it answer? In addition, the abstract should specify the main theses, arguments, conclusions. In the case of empirical research, it should also describe the research method and results. The abstract should be written in the third person and include keywords. It should not repeat or paraphrase the title of the article. The abstract should be written in simple sentences in the present tense. The biographical note should include the name and surname, affiliation (the institution’s full name together with its mailing address), information on the studies pursued, e-mail address and ORCID number (on ORCID, see
    5. We only accept texts with Polish footnotes: at the bottom of the page, continuous numbering, font 10, spacing 1, alignment to the left and right margins (justification) according to the template – see Instructions.
    6. At the bottom of the text, there must be a bibliography in alphabetical order, including the publications mentioned in the footnotes: font 12, spacing 1, alignment to the left and right margins (justification), indentation 1.25 cm, according to the template – see Instructions.
    7. Tables, figures, charts, diagrams, etc. must be preceded by the words “Table” / “Figure” / “Chart” / “Diagram”, the number and title of the table / figure / chart / diagram; the source must be specified below according to the template for footnotes – see Instructions.
    8. Longer citations, especially statements by surveyed individuals, should be written in italics with indentation.
    9. Dłuższe cytaty, w szczególności wypowiedzi badanych osób należy zapisywać kursywą z wcięciem.
    10. Footnotes may be used to provide additional explanations from the author or supplementary information.
    11. The article should be linguistically correct and have the structure required by the editorial office – see Structure of a scientific article”.
    Structure of a scientific article
    1. The title of the article
    2. Abstract
    3. Keywords
    4. Biographical note
    5. The main text of the article, including:
    • an introduction (including information such as what the article is about, what research problem it addresses, what its purpose is, what research question(s) it answers, as well as information about its main theses, the sources used, the theoretical perspective adopted, the research methods employed, the source of funding for research);
    • subsections of the article (not numbered);
    • an ending (summary, final conclusions, etc.);
    • a bibliography.
    Review procedure
    1. The submitted article is anonymised by removing information that could be used to identify the author(s).
    2. The article is assessed for compliance with the requirements set out in: ,,Journal’s publication policy“, ,,Editorial requirements for articles” and ,,Structure of a scientific article“. Non-compliance results in the rejection of the article.
    3. The article is assessed for inadmissible borrowing on the basis of the results obtained from an electronic anti-plagiarism system. A negative assessment results in the rejection of the article.
    4. Once the formal requirements have been fulfilled, the article is read by the editors and evaluated for content and methodological value. As a result of the evaluation, the article may be: a) sent for review; b) returned with a request to make changes; c) returned as unsuitable for further editorial work.
    5. The authors’ background, nationality, ethnicity, political views, gender, race and religion do not affect the evaluation process for the submitted article.
    6. The review of the article is prepared by one reviewer. In case of doubts, the editorial office may appoint a second reviewer. The final decision regarding the publication of the article or its rejection rests with the Editor-in-Chief.
    7. The reviewers of articles are appointed from among specialists employed at an institution other than the one affiliated by the authors of the text to be reviewed. 
    8. The reviewers work on a special review form that ensures completeness and comparability of evaluations. The review form is available on the journal’s website – Review Form.
    9. Reviews are prepared in such a way that the authors and the reviewers do not know each other’s identities (the so-called double-blind review process).
    10. The reviewers declare that they have no conflict of interest in relation to the article under review. The reviewers do not evaluate works where there is a conflict of interest, in particular arising from their relationships with the authors of the articles.
    11. The reviewers are obliged to notify the editorial office of any violations of ethical standards by the authors of the text, including any significant similarity, partial overlap of the reviewed work’s content with any other published work that is known to them, or any suspicion of plagiarism.
    12. The editorial office sends the article to the reviewers in an anonymised version, without details such as name, surname, address, institutional affiliation. The editorial office sends back reviews to the authors without the reviewer’s personal data (possibly supplemented by substantive remarks from the editors) and information about: a) the acceptance of the article for publication in the submitted version, i.e. in an unchanged form; b) the acceptance of the article for publication subject to the changes suggested in the review and remarks from the editors; c) the refusal to accept the article for publication in the submitted version and the suggestion that substantial changes be made to the text of the article; d) the refusal to accept the article for publication.
    13. The authors are obliged to make the corrections suggested by the reviewers and the editors within the specified deadline. Failure to submit a corrected text by the required deadline results in the editorial office’s discontinuation of work on the article. In addition to the corrected version of the article, the authors are required to submit a response to the reviews, addressing the comments from the reviewers and the editors. The authors submit the corrected article in two versions: one where the corrections to the article are visible (using the ‘track changes’ or ‘document comparison’ features) and the other where they are not visible.
    14. The final decision to publish the article or to reject it is made after the editorial office receives the corrected article and responses to the reviews. At this stage of work, the editorial office reserves the right to request further corrections from the authors.
    15. The list of reviewers who prepare reviews for “Securo” in a given year is public: it is posted on the journal’s website and published in each issue of the journal.
    16. The editorial office does not provide information about reviewers who evaluate specific articles.

    General enquiries and enquiries about potential and submitted articles can be sent to the editorial office at:

    Before contacting us, please read carefully our guidelines About the journal and For the authors, as they explain in detail what content falls within the scope of the journal and list the requirements for publishing in “Securo”.

    Our address:

    Gmach Audytoryjny
    ul. Krakowskie Przedmieście 26/28
    00-927 Warszawa