Czasopismo Securo

The journal Securo

Securo” is a peer-reviewed scientific journal dedicated to broader security issues. We publish original articles of an empirical and theoretical nature, comparative analyses, including on international issues, and studies concerning the state, regional and local levels, as well as review articles. 

Securo” is not bound to any particular theoretical paradigm, epistemological position or methodological approach. The journal approaches security with all its intellectual diversity, recognising the contributions to scientific knowledge from the many communities and research traditions that jointly constitute the discipline.



,,Securo” is aimed at all national and international students and doctoral candidates with an interest in security issues, regardless of their field of study and academic discipline. The journal recognises the importance of young researchers for the future and for the development of knowledge about security. “Securo” strives to become a place for their first publication activity, to facilitate the dissemination of research results and to help exchange views within the scientific community.


Securo” is affiliated with the University of Warsaw and supported by the Faculty of Political Science and International Studies, its scientific patron. “Securo” was created in 2014 on the initiative of students of Internal Security associated in the Student Research Club on Internal Security. 


,,Securo” is published once a year. The journal comes out online (from issue 11 onwards) and offers open access to all the published articles. Article submission, the review process and publication in “Securo” are free of charge. “Securo” publishes articles in Polish or English.